ideas for custom-built pools

ideas for custom-built pools

  • Three Reasons Why Spas Are So Irresistible and How to Afford Yours

    Spa tubs, or simply "spas," are irresistible to most people. This is why so many people decide to invest money into having a spa or jacuzzi installed. If you still are not sold on the idea because you have never climbed into a "hot tub" full of bubbling water, here are three reasons why spas are so irresistible and how you can afford your own. Spas Are Extremely Relaxing All of the warm water and jets makes you feel buoyant and light.

  • Tips For Creating A Backyard Sanctuary With A Custom Pool

    There's nothing better than being able to relax poolside in your personal backyard retreat, especially during the summer months. If your backyard is currently less than spectacular, you can improve its look and mood by having a custom pool installed. Survey your available outdoor space to chose a custom pool size and shape that will compliment your backyard oasis. Backyard Layout Whether you have sprawling acres of lush, green grass or little more than a small patch of dirt for a backyard, an expertly designed layout is necessary for a dramatic transformation.

  • 4 Ideas To Help Make Your New Pool A Secluded Outdoor Oasis

    No matter why you want to have a new pool, privacy is important. A private pool oasis can make your pool a place to get away and relax in the comfort of your own home. There are many things that you can do to make your new pool a secluded backyard oasis, such as integrating landscaping and water features into the design. You may also want to add privacy screens to make your pool area more secluded.

About Me

ideas for custom-built pools

The only thing that was missing from the home that my husband and I bought was a swimming pool. I knew that I wanted one before we sold our last house and purchased the new one. Not having a pool wasn't enough to keep me from buying the new house because I knew I could customize a pool to be installed. If you are considering having a custom-built pool installed on your property, this blog can give you some ideas that will help you create a wonderful setting for you, your family and all of your friends to enjoy.